The Rotary Club of Faversham is one of 35,000 clubs worldwide in more than 200 countries.
Rotary’s 1.2 million members share the common objectives of fostering high moral standards in business and the professions whilst, at the same time, initiating and supporting community service projects locally, nationally and internationally.
As a Club we are keen to support both international and local causes through our own fundraising. Currently, in addition to polio eradication, on our own initiative we provide start up help to small entrepreneurs in the developing world through the Lend with Care scheme, and have recently provided Literacy Boxes full of educational materials to some schools in Zambia. We are proud to assist a range of local charities in their provision of support to the local community, and also to individuals in cases of particular need.
Rotary is also about fellowship.
The regular weekly meetings provide an opportunity for members to enjoy each other’s company and to develop social relationships. Speakers are regularly invited to introduce a topic of interest for the members and provide the opportunity for lively discussions. We also have a vibrant programme of social and service projects, events and activities.
International fellowship - Contact Clubs

With our network of clubs all over the world Rotary is in a unique position to develop international understanding. The Rotary Club of Faversham has established formal links with four Rotary Clubs in Europe and we keep in touch with each other regularly, sometimes collaborating on projects but mainly we meet up at least once a year for a weekend of fun and fellowship. We take it in turn to host visits, sometimes just a couple of clubs getting together, sometimes all four clubs meeting up for a long weekend. Contact visits are always great fun!
Our four Contact Clubs are:
Bogense, Denmark
Soest-Lippstadt, Germany
Harderwijk, Holland