Club members were delighted to welcome Ivan Atwiine to their evening meeting.
Ivan is a member of the Morningtide Bugolobi club in Uganda. Bugolobi is a suburb of Kampala, the Ugandan capital.
Ivan is in the UK visiting his in-laws with his wife and family of three children.
He shared some similarities and differences between his Rotary club in Uganda and ours in Faversham.
His club has 43 members, average age 40 and with 22 women members. He laughed as he said that while the male members were more laid back, it was the women who got into action to make things happen!
At a recent social evening, Club members and guests took on the challenge of entertaining their fellow diners with stories of memorable holiday incidents. Bursts of laughter suggested some very amusing accounts including:-
Emily finding herself on a deserted beach in Sri Lanka as the economy there tanked;
John Bromiley on a plane in Greece which managed to land badly - but not until its 3rd attempt;
Alan describing a husband’s attempts to blow up a lilo air bed and sending his wife sky high;
John Blackford finding himself in the dining room of a French hotel only to be greeted by an expletive from one of his pupils;
Jim describing the tensions of holidaying with friends;
Clarissa and young family confronted late at night in their caravan by an angry, drunk chef demanding a tip despite an hour long gap between serving the children’s meal and that of their parents.
Thank you to all who entered into the spirit of an enjoyable evening.
Club members recently enjoyed a presentation about the Strode Park Foundation, which is based at Herne, with residential homes in Canterbury, Faversham and Medway, as well as Herne.
Karen Jeal and Lauren Clark, pictured with club President David Kirsch-Mills holding Basil Bear the Strode Park mascot, spoke about the work of the Foundation and its activities.
The Foundation provides residential care, support services and supported living opportunities to children, young people and adults with a range of disabilities. There are currently some 165 residents and clients across all the homes and services, which include day opportunities and respite & short breaks.
Karen & Lauren explained that the ideals of independence, well-being and choice underpin all the services, enabling people to live life the way they chose. An example of this was that some clients of Lady Dane Farmhouse in Faversham were supported to enable them to vote in the recent general election. At another home, a resident who’s a keen Arsenal supporter was able to attend a match at the Emirates stadium.
Through the summer months the Theatre in the Park music events at Herne are very popular and the 300 seat venue is usually a sell-out, an important fund-raising boost for the Foundation.
Karen & Lauren also said there were lots of opportunities for individuals and groups to volunteer to help the Foundation and there’s more information at
The Rotary Club of Faversham Trust Fund - Charity No. 272383